Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Next con: Animazement!

So, I've been terribly busy with the end of the semester, but I'm finished now!

In approximately 3 weeks is Animazement, in Raleigh NC! It's my "home" con :)

I don't know if I will be making anything new for it, but I plan on wearing:

-Weeping Angel
-Castle Crasher Knight (at cosplay chess)
-Castle Crasher Princess ?
and probably Team Magma

If I do make anything new, it would be Team Plasma for me and my boyfriend, from the newest Pokemon games :)


Does anyone read this, and is anyone going to AZ? Let me know and maybe we can meet up? :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sophita and Katsucon 2011

Well, I was really bad and didn't take any progress shots of the things I did when making Sophitia, and therefore didn't make any blog posts.
What I wore at Katsucon 2011!

Sophitia - Soul Calibur
Weeping Angel!
 Lots more photos of both the Weeping Angels and my Soul Calibur group under the cut! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello 2011! Plans for the Year

Well, it's a new year, which means my circuit of cons for the year starts soon!

Upcoming Conventions:
Katsucon; February 16-18
Animazement; May 27-29
Dragon*Con; September 2-5
Maybe I'll be at Otakon, but I doubt it :/

Planned costumes include:

Sophitia - Soul Calibur 4 (for Katsucon)

 (Either) Zephie or Claire - MagnaCarta 2
 After I decide which, I'll get it finished ASAP!

Officer Jenny - Pokemon Anime (probably for Animazment!)

And some sort of humanoid Doctor Who monster from season 6, and it will definitely be finished in time for Dragon*Con :)

I've started working on Sophitia, and she will be finished for Katsucon! Progress posts are coming soon!


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